USKL DAC March Exam Results

USKL Defense Arts Center Youth/Adult Kyu Rank Results:

March 2016 White, Yellow & Orange belt ranks quarterly exam

Exams for this level are offered every three months (March, June, September, and December). Test fees for yellow/orange belts are $25.00 for belt color change (includes progress band if applicable) and $10.00 per progress band (revised).  Progress band fees are assessed only when there is no belt color change.  If no one is available to take your test fees, please use an envelope to place your fees in the dues box in front of the office window.  Thank you.

 Youth exam Results:

                                                                                    New rank:
Name:                          Previous rank                    Belt color and/or progress bands

Deanna Mitchell        White belt/0                      White belt/1

Ian Li                            White belt/0                      Yellow/white/1

Kai Fujimoto              White belt/0                     Yellow/white/1

Mathew Rivera          White belt/0                     Yellow/white/3

Tyler Price                  Yellow/white/1                  *Yellow/white/3

Isaac Espinoza          Yellow/white/1                  *Yellow/white/3

Daniel Zuver              Yellow/white/2                  Yellow/white/3

Brandon Flores         Yellow/Black/0                  Solid Yellow/0

Derek Kwok               Yellow/black/1                   Solid Yellow/0

Micah Endo                Solid Yellow/2                    Orange/white/0

Shaw Siegel               Orange/white/0                 Orange/white/1

Maya Siegel               Orange/white/0                 Orange/white/1

Fabian Cruz               Orange/white/0                 Orange/Black/1

Iman Peerzai              Orange/black/0                 Orange/Black/2

Sonali Rotiz-Casillas Yellow/black/3                 *Solid Orange/1

Adult Kyu Rank Results:

Anna Mack                   White belt/0                     9th Kyu Orange/0

*Upgraded (reassessed) from previous belt rank announcement


Congratulations to our Special Forces group (Tue. 5-6 PM) and to Sensei Andrew Wildasinn, as all of his students have received their 3rd Kyu Brown Belts -- Awesome!!  Left to right: Sensei Andrew, Dallas, Liane, and William


If I made any mistakes on your Names or rank please let me know.  Keep up the great work, and congratulations to everyone.

Sensei Ty Aponte  (6th dan, chief instructor)
951 204-0341 cell

Sensei Jim Oates 4/3/16

Sunday April 3rd

Sensei Jim Oats (Yondan - Seaside Shotokan), has offered to visit our dojo, train and share some karate techniques in the morning advanced class and then afterwards, go over a fully encompassed software program that he developed for his dojo.  No cost to you for this.

When: 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm (I'll call out for some Pizza)  (Feel free to pitch in)

Where: DAC dojo (lobby)

Who can come ?  All are encouraged, any one interested or involved in the running/maintaining (or wishes to learn a little about) the administrative side of dojo business.

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