Assistant Instructors (SEMPAI)
Pictures and Bios
Sensei James Augur
(5th Degree Black Belt)
(1st Degree Black Belt)
Sensei James has been training since 1979. He has lived in the Claremont/Upland area for most of his life, four of which he spent at the University of Redlands earning a bachelors degree in history. In 1992, after receiving his masters degree in library science from the University of Michigan, he resumed his training and received his 5th Degree Black Belt in October 2015. He is training in Matayoshi Kobudo under Michelson Sensei. A former reference librarian at the Ontario City Library, James directed the Veterans Resource Center to help veterans and their families obtain the benefits they have earned through their service to our nation and retired in 2020.
1979 - Started - Shorin-Ryu - Sensei Ty Aponte
1985 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) - Shorin-Ryu - Sensei Dean Pickard and Ty Aponte
1997 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) - Shotokan - Sensei Ty Aponte
2002 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) - Sensei Ty Aponte
2006 - Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) - Sensei Ty Aponte
2012 - Yondan (4th Degree Black Belt) - Sensei Ty Aponte
2015 - Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) - Senseis Ty Aponte and Michael Whiteside and Shihans Dean Pickard and George Sasano (JKA)
1998 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) - Sensei Ty Aponte
Chris Becker
SANDAN (3rd Degree Black Belt)
Chris started training as a youth with the International Karate Association (IKA) dojo in Pasadena under Shihan Tom Serrano, attaining a first kyu brown belt rank in Gosoku-ryu. Gosuku-ryu (the style of strength with speed) incorporates elements of Goju-ryu and Shotokan.
Chris took a break from martial arts training to pursue college, career, and family obligations. During these years he was a serious distance runner, competing in 5K to ultramarathon races, including a 2:40 marathon PR.
Insistent on training in the Shotokan style, Chris resumed his martial arts training with the Upland DAC dojo in 2011 with Shihan Ty Aponte. For many years, the DAC dojo shared a close relationship with the Pasadena IKA dojo Chris trained with in his youth. Chris was promoted to the rank of Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) in December 2013 and to Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) in December 2015.
In his "free" time, Chris is a high school chemistry teacher.
1984 - Started
1986 - 1st Kyu (Brown Belt)
2011 - Started
2013 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
2015 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
2022 - Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)
Irene Aguayo Nunez
SANDAN (3rd Degree Black Belt)
In 2003, when my adult son was six years old, he was being bullied by an older and bigger boy in school. His father and I decided to put him in karate classes. He started training under Shihan Ty Aponte. I would take him to his classes and a couple of the other students' moms and I decided that it looked like fun. We felt that we could probably memorize the kata better than our children did. So we joined together.
Eventually the moms found other interest I, however, enjoyed the stress release that I felt when training and continued on. This was my time. As I continued to train, I felt as though I was gaining more confidence and improving my self-esteem, after each session I felt more empowered. To me karate isn’t just a martial art; it is also a philosophy in which the training in the dojo mirrors life’s challenges and inspires ways of coping with those challenges outside the dojo
I have been teaching public elementary school in a local school district for over 20 years and was director of a local Catholic church's Vacation Bible School for several years. I am able to apply my knowledge and experience of teaching to assisting and teaching children at the dojo.
In a nutshell, my karate training helps me deal with the stresses that life throws at me. Along with assisting and teaching the karate classes it also gives me a sense of purpose and escape from the day-to-day grind, as well as an opportunity to do something for myself. To me karate training is not just martial art - it’s a way of life.
2003 - Started
2013 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
2017 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
2021 - Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)
Irene and her team (Christie Vela Kramer and Sensei Lynn Aponte) place in a local team kata competition
Juan Miguel Nunez
SHODAN (1st Degree Black Belt)
My karate story began when I was an infant in 2003. My mom, would take my older brother and I to the dojo. My older brother began training and my mom and I would watch the class from the spectators' deck.
Over time when I was able to crawl and eventually walk I found myself being drawn by an invisible magnet. The training mat was calling my name. My mom had to keep a close eye on me to keep me from interrupting the karate class.
By the time I turned 6, both my parents were already training. Our family revolved around karate. It seemed a natural progression for me to train; eventually I entered my first class with sensei Ty, I felt at home. I had seen my brother and parents practice their routines: basic blocks, strikes and kicks so it was natural for me to practice these skills, as well.
My parents continued to train throughout our childhood (my father Robert Nunez, a 2nd deg. BB, my mom, a first deg. BB). They both encouraged my brother and I to live and stand by the dojo kun (dojo oath). Karate’s philosophy has guided my character. I quickly moved up the ranks. I am currently a junior black belt at 14 years of age. I am in 7th grade and hold a 3.95 grade point average. I play the saxophone in the El Roble Intermediate School band. I feel that karate has helped shape me to be the person that I am today. I continue to hold the dojo oath close to my heart as I strive to make positive choices in my everyday life.
I sempai (assist) in the children's classes. I hope that other youths in my karate classes will possibly see me as a role model and maybe, they too, will create a path of positive choices in their journey through life.
2009 - Started
2016 - Junior Black Belt
2019 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
2021 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
Christie Vella Kramer
SANDAN (3rd Degree Black Belt)
(Saturday morning adult beginner/intermediate class, 9-10 AM)
Also leads the Wednesday night 7-8:30 pm intermediate/advanced open workout class
(green, brown, and black belts welcome)
Christie began her training with USKL in 2005 under Shihan Ty Aponte, Sensei Lynn Aponte and Sensei Leo Shortle. She continues training with Senseis Mike Whiteside and James Augur. She believes the attainment of physical accomplishment begins with discipline from within and that the refinement of physical movement through repetition of basic techniques is achieved with a positive mental attitude and a "can do" spirit.
Christie enjoys teaching beginners of all ages in addition to assisting individualized training methods in the Adaptive Karate Program. Her motivational words can often be heard throughout the dojo as she encourages students with phrases like, "show me power per move", "do it like you mean it", “this is serious stuff”, “you’re contributing to history”, “you’re history in the making”, “make every minute count”, “you can be what you want to see”, "treat this move like it's the only one you will ever do in your life", and “fly or fall, but if you fall, spread your wings and soar!”
She always tells the kids "a little bit of practice makes a lot of BIG karate!"
When not on the training floor, Christie manages the dojo office. She also currently volunteers with the local police department's CERT (community emergency response team). She enjoys spending time with her family, being on the beach, horseback riding, and DIY projects in the house and outdoors in the garden. In addition to those activities, she enjoys the occasional action/adventure movie. She retired from the Los Angeles Superior Court after 39 years of service.
Christie believes there is no time like the present with regard to learning and karate training and she believes Adelaide Anne Procter said it best when she wrote: “We always may be what we might have been."
2005 - Started
2011 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
2014 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
2021 - Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt)
David Voiles
NIDAN (2nd Degree Black Belt)
SHOTOKAN KARATEDO - Beginning Adult Karate class & SPECIAL FORCES
David began training with USKL in 2009 under Sensei Ty Aponte, Sensei Mike Whiteside, and other talented instructors. He found the DAC dojo to be a great place with positive and amazing people to surround him and his son (Devin, also a brown belt). David feels that the dojo environment is uplifting and that it gives him a sense of confidence and joy to be involved in the martial arts at the DAC.
Since the beginning of joining USKL, and because of his diverse background and handyman experience, David jumped at an opportunity to be lead in maintenance and upkeep of the dojo. He does a fantastic job of this.
David expresses:
“I wanted to add a new chapter in my life and martial arts sounded like a very amazing way to spend my time. I work very hard in creating ways of making my time special here at the DAC, leaning towards mentors that I feel help create balance in my life and ways for me to grow as a person and as a martial artist. Among others, Sensei Aponte encourages me to always strive for higher learning, to push myself, and to never stop believing in myself. Although progress towards perfection may be incremental, it is still progress. As a senpai (assistant instructor) I always want to help others in their training so I work hard to learn the most I can by training hard, asking a lot of questions, and working with the higher ranks. I feel the basics are the foundation to everything that needs to be learned and are the building blocks to more advanced level techniques. If you break it down correctly, you will learn it correctly. Lastly, as I am currently working hard towards earning my black belt (June ’17) I hope to be a good example of having applied all of my efforts.”
Senpai Dave enjoys participating in the annual Beach trips and day hikes that USKL provides as an outside training environment and encourages everybody to take part. Davealso enjoys all sports with wheels, i.e. dirt biking, ATC, skateboarding, and rollerblading. Prior to training in karate, Dave enjoyed bowling competitions (in which he had 3 consecutive winning seasons) and dart throwing competitions.
2009 - Started
2017 - Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt)
2022 - Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
We will examine the kata Gankaku to illustrate these traditional bunkai and also explore oyo for certain techniques.